In the event of loss or theft of your cheque or cheque book

  1. Immediately advise our Customer Centre on: (+230) 212 10 00 (This number is operational from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, Mauritius time) .
  2. Any loss or theft of cheque or cheque book must be confirmed at the Business Centre either in person or in writing, by way of a registered letter addressed to BCP Bank (Mauritius).

Should you recover your lost or stolen cheque or cheque book, do not use it but hand it over to your branch.

BCP Bank (Mauritius) cannot be held responsible in the case a lost or stolen cheque or cheque book is cashed or made use of before the Bank has been advised (in writing) of its loss or theft.

In case of loss or theft of your bank card

  1. Inform your Relationship Manager immediately
  2. Contact the Card Blocking Department of the Card Centre on : + (230) 212 10 00

This phone notice must be followed either by a visit in person at your branch or confirmation of notice by way of a registered letter addressed to BCP Bank (Mauritius). In the event that you find your card or get it back further to having blocked it, you should not use it, but hand it over to your branch.


Good to know
When calling, provide your full names and surname and (preferably) your mobile contact particulars.
You should also file a declaration at a police station and provide written confirmation of the blocking procedure at the soonest to your branch.

Practical advice
Once you are in possession of any new card, immediately record the loss/theft call centre number in your mobile directory. Avoid keeping your information card together with the bank card itself.


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A loan is a personal commitment. It engages you to due repayment.

Check your repayment capacity before you commit to a loan.

* Terms and Conditions

A loan is a personal commitment. It engages you to due repayment.

Check your repayment capacity before you commit to a loan.