Committing to a loan is a financial undertaking of several years of repayment. Over the years, life’s unforeseen circumstances can occur. The reason why it is important to be insured for your protection and that of your loved ones.
- A DTA is an insurance that covers your bank loan, whether a housing or consumer loan while taking into consideration the mishap that you can no longer honour your monthly repayments.
- A DTA works in the case of death, accident or long-standing illness, protecting you and your family from having to settle the loan. The insurer will then take over the balance of both capital and interests remaining due.
- This goes a great way to ensuring that you and your right holders keep the property.
- Insurance companies request simplified medical formalities up to the age of 65*.
Which risks are covered?
A borrower’s insurance protects your loan in case of:
- death;
- permanent incapacity and total loss of limbs or senses, in case of a disaster.
How does it work?
BCP Bank (Mauritius) proposes a choice of two partnering insurance companies:
- La Prudence Life Insurance
- Swan Life Insurance
You benefit from the services of a dedicated adviser to help you choose the best option, depending on your needs and financial expectations.
We can provide you with both insurers’ quotes so that you can compare these before taking a decision.
- The term of your DTA depends on that of your loan.
- Premium is payable on a monthly basis.
- We simplify your payment by an automatic debit from your account. No hassle!
Here you go !
At BCP Bank (Mauritius), subscription to a borrower’s insurance is mandatory condition to the obtention of a housing or consumer loan.
*Conditions apply.