BCP Bank (Mauritius) (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Bank’), undertakes on a best endeavours basis to provide total security and confidentiality when offering any financial products and/or services to you on its website located at www.bcpbank.mu

This web site is operated under the following domain names: www.bcpbank.mu, www.bcpbank.comwww.bcp.mu, https://online.bcp.mu and https://m.bcp.mu

As a customer of the Bank, you now have access to our Online Banking Service - BCP Bank (Mauritius) Direct, which makes it easier and more convenient to effect financial transactions. With the new and effective delivery channel through the Internet, we will be able to provide financial services more effectively.


Our commitment when providing the Online Banking Service – BCP Bank (Mauritius) Direct is to ensure that the system is secure.  
Security measures such as data encryption, server authentication and firewalls, combined with our internal security procedures and policies, are some of the security measures used to ensure that the Online Banking Service - BCP Bank (Mauritius) Direct is safe for use and secure. Our security measures are continuously being monitored and reviewed in our efforts to provide the latest security technologies available. 
As part of the security measures mentioned above, the Bank uses the latest cryptographic standards such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer), to protect the information being transferred over the internet. 
Once you access Internet Banking, using your User ID and password issued to you by the Bank, a secure session will be established between your computer and the Bank. 


To further ensure your security, it is essential that you take the following measures: 

1. It is recommended that you follow the steps below to ensure total security: 

  • Change your password when you first register on the Online Banking Service - BCP Bank (Mauritius) Direct
  • Change your password immediately, if you think it is known by unauthorised users. 
  • Set a password which is at least 8 characters long and which is made of a combination of letters and numbers.  


2. Always logout and close your browser after using Internet Banking 

  • To end your session with Internet Banking you must logout. If you do not logout, the Internet Banking session will remain active for some minutes, and it will then be possible for other users to view the pages you have accessed from your browser cache.  
  • Close your browser after logout, to ensure that pages you have accessed are cleared from the browser cache. 


All reasonable precautionary measures have been taken to protect your personal identifiable information from loss, misuse or unauthorised access. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy Statement. This Charter is also subject to contractual terms, which you should also consult.  

The contents of the Bank’s  institutional website is updated and reviewed from time to time in order to maintain its correctness for your convenience.   
Enquiries and Suggestions

We trust that you will find the Bank ’s website interesting and user-friendly. We shall welcome any feedbacks, enquiries or any suggestions which may help us in improving our services. 
You may address your queries or suggestions by contacting us using the contact information given below and we shall endeavour to attend to any of your queries promptly.




Here you go!

Contact Information

BCP Bank (Mauritius)
9th Floor, Maëva Tower
Cnr Silicon Avenue & Bank Street
Telephone: 207 1000
Fax: 210 2300
E-mail address: serviceclient@bcpbank.mu

Nos Forces

Solutions sur mesure
Expertise et innovation
Une présence mondiale
Solide performance

A loan is a personal commitment. It engages you to due repayment.

Check your repayment capacity before you commit to a loan.

* Terms and Conditions

A loan is a personal commitment. It engages you to due repayment.

Check your repayment capacity before you commit to a loan.