Financing further studies

You do believe in yourself? We do!


We believe in you because we believe in the future. You are the future! With our range of student loans tailor-cut to suit different situations and a unique service to facilitate procedures and arrangements from Mauritius, set yourself up for success and turn the years you spend studying further into what it should indeed be – the very best time of your life! Our Plan Epargne Jeune (Next Generation Savings Plan) et Cap Etudes (Overseas Studies Savings) are two Savings formulas that come with the opportunity of being granted, when the time comes, a Student Loan at preferential terms. The student loan is customised and, what more - it includes interesting benefits. Cap Etudes France is, as the name indicates, our exclusive service for students going for higher studies in France. It includes many facilities such as the opening of a bank account and ensuring student lodgings before even leaving Mauritius.